Hey guys!
In this video, I will show you how to create some stunning, vibrant galaxies or night sky paintings using watercolour.
This effect is so pretty and will be unique every time you attempt it. Enjoy!
xo Dana
ORDER MY BOOK FROM THESE RETAILERS ➡️ https://watercolour-workshop.com/book
Acquerello Italia Round Watercolor Block by Magnani: https://amzn.to/2MgzWi1
Winsor & Newton Lamp Black, Permanent Rose, Dioxazine Purple: https://amzn.to/2CGSgQ8
Princeton Neptune Brush #14: https://amzn.to/2oXKsj2
Pigma Micron pens: https://amzn.to/2szwwh7
YOU CAN NOW FIND ALL OF MY RECOMMENDED AMAZON PRODUCTS AT: https://www.amazon.com/shop/wonderforest
Want to learn more? Join my Watercolour Workshop! https://watercolour-workshop.com
Get free Getting Started With Watercolour videos: https://watercolour-workshop.com/signup
olivia herdt B – a minute of your time
Visit Me:
My Blog: http://www.thewonderforest.com
Shop: http://www.wonderforest.com
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*Some links included in this description, such as Amazon links to products, may be affiliate links.

Besides being a wife and mama, I’m an entrepreneur, artist and author of the Watercolor With Me book series. I’m from Ontario, Canada and founder of the brand Wonder Forest. I’m here to help you on your watercolour journey!